Saturday, January 16, 2010

Rainy Day Saturday

It was a rainy day in London Saturday. We finished putting away our Christmas decorations :(. Now the house is back in order and we have a little more space.

This week has been a bit hectic - but really good. The girls made it back to school. Amber got another snow day on Wednesday. It was really cool to wake up to a blanket of new snow. It is all melted now and the temperature has risen to around 40 degrees F. We WALKED to Kingston market and purchased our weekly supply of fresh vegetables and fruit. Then we spent some time brainstorming all of the places we want to visit in the UK in 2010. Hopefully we can get to a lot of them via the trains.

Here are a few destinations we already have on the radar:
The White Cliffs of Dover
Brighton - again
Needles Park
The Lake District

1 comment:

Theresa said...

I really want to see the White Cliffs of Dover.