Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day and Chinese New Year!

It's been a really great day here in England. Alexa and I woke up early (6:30 AM) and took two buses and a train to Heathrow Airport in the snow/rain to meet Frances who has come for a visit. Alexa held up her sign at the Heathrow Arrivals gate - "Mama Welcome". It was really cute. We all bundled into a car and came home.

Once here, Amber and Richard had breakfast almost ready. We sat down and caught up while we scarfed down pancakes and bacon rolls. We also began planning our week as the girls are on half-term break this week.

Then we did a quick grocery trip and had a proper Sunday Roast. This is the thing to have every Sunday in Britain. We had a roast chicken with mashed potatoes, broccoli, peas, salad and of course, Yorkshire pudding and gravy. It was so yummy!

Now we are about to have a snack - and we have so many thanks to Frances. She has re-stocked our pantry with good old American favorites like Kraft Macaroni & Cheese, Goldfish, Hidden Valley Ranch, Kool Aid, Welch's Grape jelly, Reese's and various other sweets. It's like Christmas instead of Valentines!

Here's to a fun week - and Paris on Thursday!

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