Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Spring is on the way

It has been so rainy and so cold that I finally get what all the British have been telling me about London - that it is always gloomy and gray. It really is not always gloomy and gray - but it has felt that way for the last two months anyway. I have really missed the big blue Texas skies.

But now March is here and the sun is shining again! Monday morning we awoke to the sun streaming in Alexa's windows at 6:45 AM in the morning. I am really enjoying it! The bad part is that we feel like it should be warmer because the sun is out and we haven't been bundling up enough. It is still REALLY cold outside!

The tulips are breaking through the ground in Green Park and should be opening up in the next few weeks. I will try to get a picture for you when they are blooming.

Happy Springtime!


Theresa said...

If it makes you feel any better, it has been gloomy and gray here too. It has been weird.

Joan said...

Yeah, we aren't seeing any global warming here. Record cold and snow in Texas and the entire US. I'm going to put Vernon out in the sun today before we get any more rain.