Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Aberdeen Day Trip

I took a quick business trip to Aberdeen today. Out the door before 6 AM and home after 10:30 PM - but it was so worth it! First of all, I met wonderful people and got a great deal accomplished. I also had the wonderful experience of a day in Aberdeen, a city of granite.

The sun was shining in a Simpson's blue sky and I think I saw every color of granite in the houses and buildings - all of them are made from granite - I am not kidding or exaggerating. The flowers were starting to bloom in the parks too and it was just lovely!


Joan said...

"Just lovely", huh? Sounds like you're picking up some 'english-isms'!!
It is beautiful - I love the flowers. "Y'all" are gonna love it there!

Mary said...

I'm just trying to fit in...

Too bad we are not going to be living in Aberdeen - but we will get to visit.