Monday, February 23, 2009

Finding new ways to connect

As much as I love Skype, it is no comparison to the real thing. I do get to see and talk to my kids, but I have felt more and more that we are not connecting. It is probably not the best sign when the majority of the conversation is in emoticons on the chat section of Skype when we can see and hear each other.

So I am working on some new ideas. The other day, Alexa read to me out of her Junie B. Jones book and it was great to hear her get into the story. It made us both smile. I am going to get a few books here that I can read to them as well. I am also working on making up a few stories. I made up one today and the girls and I laughed together as I shared it. When it is better defined, maybe I will share it with everyone else. The importance really though is that we connected.

If anyone else has any ideas - please leave a comment and share with me.

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