Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

I hope my mom has an extra special day today - even though she is still recovering from bronchitis and pneumonia. I wish I could be there to give her a giant hug!

I hope all the other moms I know also have a wonderful day with their children. Enjoy it for me.

Things I like to remember about my mom:
* Her laugh
* How much fun she has with her sisters
* How much fun she has with her grandkids
* When she used to snuggle me when I was little bitty
* Leaving May Baskets for her and she brought them in, put them in vases and told me how much she loved them - even though she was allergic to them
* When she would make apple pies - she would take off the skins of the apples in long winding pieces and give some to me to munch on (Once she was doing this with potatoes, but I thought they were apples and asked for some - she gave it to me and giggled at the face I made)
* Our cruise together to the Caribbean
* Taking care of me when I was sick
* Reading to us when we were little.
* How brave she was in moving to Texas
* Getting her degree in Accounting - doing something she had always dreamed of.

Even though we may not always see eye-to-eye, I respect and admire you, Mom. I love you! Happy Mother's Day!


Theresa said...

She's very verbose, isn't she?

Christy said...

Happy Mothers Day!