Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I was having dinner with a friend tonight and we were talking about accents and voices. She told me that when I answer the phone it is very twee.

I wasn't sure what that meant and she assured me it was a good thing.

Here is the definition from the Merriam-Webster Dictionary:


Pronunciation: \ˈtwē\
Function: adjective
Etymology: baby-talk alteration of sweet
Date: 1905
chiefly British : affectedly or excessively dainty, delicate, cute, or quaint

What do you think - a good thing?


Mom said...

I think she is right

Joan said...

Uh, but is that a good thing?
We all kind of sound the same on the phone with mild differences.
I want to know too. I don't think I like that definition.

Theresa said...

That's funny! Good use of the word.